Florida Probate Attorneys
We can assist you with “Probate Litigation” matters which consists of legal disputes on a variety of subjects such as: Will contests challenging the authenticity of a Last Will; Challenges to the “Mental Capacity of a person to make a Last Will; Assertions that a person was “Unduly Influenced” into making or changing their Last Will; Challenges to a person’s ability to act as the “Personal Representative” (a/k/a “Executor”) of an Estate; Actions to recover monies owed to a deceased person’s Estate; IRS disputes over taxes owed
or refunds due to a decedent or his/her Estate; Challenges to the manner in which a “Personal Representative” is administering an Estate;…and many more.
Contact your Florida probate attorneys today at Bakalar and Associate’s, P.A. to discuss our available services and to schedule a confidential consultation.